Thursday, June 13, 2019

Trip West

First stop on our trip west was a little town in Iowa to get a bite to eat. We drove around a bit but didn't see anything but happened to run into a lady going to the post office. I asked her about a place to eat and she said the restaurant closed about six months ago. She then said "Go down a block and turn left, no wait. They're closed too. Go down around the corner to the right and there's a bar that has food." Shame to see those little towns dying a slow death. However, Cuzzin Rick and I had a pork tenderloin in a nice little beer joint and there was a '48 Chevy sedan delivery across the street for sale. Looked to be in pretty decent shape - a couple of rust holes on the fenders but it was all complete. My first car was a '48 Chevy four door. Lot of fun working on it and driving it. The only car I've ever had up on two wheels.

Next stop was Knoxville, Iowa - Sprint Car Capitol of the World! We went to the museum and caught the Saturday night show. The museum isn't real big but they had some nice cars and a good collection of racing memorabilia. They were featuring A. J. Foyt, so several of the cars we had seen recently at the museum in Indy. They did have a Pop Dreyer car there. This is the third or fourth car I've seen built to this plan. If I live long enough, I'm going to build myself one of these.

The races on Saturday were good. Weather was nice and they had three classes of winged sprinters. Rick's not a big fan of the wings but they fly around the track! The people at the track were all friendly. When we came in the two folks collecting for the parking fee asked where we were from and when we told them we were first-timers from Indiana he told us to spin the truck around, park by the fence so we could get out easily, put us in a little buggy and then gave us a tour of the facility and dropped us off by the ticket office. "Because that's how we do it here."

We headed west the next morning to Kansas to visit my brother and pick up the chickens he started for me. He's got a real nice farm but like most everyone in the farm business this year is battling the wet weather. He's behind schedule on most everything and I felt a little bad about tying him up while the weather was finally nice for several days in a row. However, we had a great visit. He and my sister-in-law are great hosts. He took Rick on a tour of the farm and took us to the local high school to meet the ag teacher and see the new facility. The school has a total population of 61 students and all but two of them are in at least one of the ag classes. The instructor has eight preps every day and he was running a summer camp at the school on his own time. Quite the go-getter.

It was a great trip and Rick and I really enjoyed ourselves. Great weather there and back, no real traffic problems and a great visit with my brother and sister-in-law.


  1. Yes as we often say A good time was had by all. Most if our travel was on the back roads. That was nice as we didn't have to be on the interstate. Knoxville is the Sprint car capital of the world! Good racing and really nice people. We might have to go back and pick up a couple of vehicles we spotted along the way. We found an old Mack wrecker and a really cool old firetruck by Cousin Dave's. We could do the parade circuit with the firetruck!

  2. Because that's the way we do it here!
