Wednesday, August 28, 2019


I had to get some blood work done the other day in order to get a prescription renewed. Total cholesterol number was 119. That's about 100 points lower than it was before I had the heart attack seven years ago. Between the statin drug and the dietary change, the highest it's been is 150. That's still mighty good. The report did say the HDL, which is the good cholesterol is too low. I'm not sure what I need to do about that but I'm not too concerned. My blood sugar is a bit high but I've been back-sliding a bit with cookies and some ice cream. My weight and cardio are good for a guy my age, though. I'm going to work on that a bit more just the same.

I've been pretty busy with chores and errands of late so not much to report on the project front. Working my way through a book by Phil Robertson presently. It wasn't what I was expecting from the head of the Duck Dynasty clan, but I'm not real sure what I was expecting from a book titled The Theft of America's Soul. It's not the sort of thing I normally read but from what I've read so far, I think he might be on to something.

Going to have to go shopping for a television soon. Sherriff Andy and Barney were pink the other night. The following night everything went black a couple of times. It's an old conventional set that we bought at Aldi's of all places. Time for the new flat screen with the built in Wi-Fi and all that jazz. With the new features, it might even improve the programming. I can only hope.

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