Monday, August 26, 2019

Hip Shakin' Mama Training Routine

Ringside has a blog that offers up some excellent training tips. The most recent post is about shadow boxing. Most new boxers don't realize how important good shadow boxing can be to their development as a fighter, plus, they don't want to look silly swatting at nothing but air while in the gym. If you are at all interested in the "sweet science", check out Ringside's blog for some training tips. You'll also find some training advice that applies to most anyone, boxer or not.

 On a related note, Archie Moore told George Foreman if he wanted to be the heavyweight champion of the world he needed to quit listening to rock and roll and start listening to jazz. I'm certainly not qualified to second guess The Mongoose, but when you're shadow boxing or skipping rope, something that makes you want to tap your feet and shake your hips is always a good choice. When you're practicing on the heavy bag or working on developing your counter punching skills, then it's time to listen to that jazz music and learn to improvise just like the jazz players do.

I ordered some more tape and gauze the other day from Title and came across a bag for medicine balls that will allow you to use the medicine ball as a kettlebell. It was only $5.00, so I ordered one to try out. We've got several sizes and weights of medicine balls at the gym, so I can try out the kettlebell workout and see how it works for me. Maybe throw on some Miles Davis at the same time.

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