Monday, March 23, 2020

Day 3

Not the best picture but about the best my little flip phone is capable of. Regardless, the transition piece is finished. The top edge is wrapped with a piece of 1/4" round. I had my two welding students help me. Their welding skills were plenty good enough for the job but their fabricating skills leave a lot to be desired. Of course that was the idea of having them help me. We used a torch, vise-grips and a small grinder with a cut-off wheel. Not much to it, but you have to start somewhere. And making things is more fun than just welding on practice plates.

Didn't go out to the shop yesterday at all. I went outside to take care of the chickens and tend to a couple other little chores but that was it. It was cold again in the morning and then started snowing in the afternoon. All told we probably got about three inches. Nice big flakes, making for a pretty landscape outside but it could start warming up any time as far as I'm concerned. I'm planning on working in the shop some today. It's supposed to get into the forties, so if I run the furnace a bit it'll be plenty warm for my old bones. I've got a couple of little jobs for sure and then I'll see what I come up with. The main thing at this point is just stay away from people and take advantage of the free time to get some things done.

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