Tuesday, March 24, 2020


That's one fine looking piece of machinery right there, by golly. Saw that in an e-mail from Iron & Air magazine.

Same source. If I didn't already get so many magazines and spend so much time on the computer, I'd definitely subscribe. However, Motorcyclist is now gone and I've let my subscription to Small Farm Journal lapse. I was going to let my Wooden Boat subscription lapse as well but I actually received a personal letter from them concerning my subscription so I sent them a check. While I'm no sailor, I've been subscribing for maybe 30 years. I've had a hankerin' to build my own boat and I enjoy looking at the boats and admiring the design work and craftsmanship in the magazine. Some of you may remember I was building one at the high school when I had the heart attack. All construction came to a halt then but it's still on the list - one of these days.

Got a little bit of work done in the shop yesterday. I made up a little bending fork to put in the vise to use on bending the parts for the track racer. The round stock I used is some hard stuff. After tacking one of the pieces on I whacked it with the hammer to square it up and the tack broke. It's not like that's never happened before but it was obvious from inspecting the tack that the material is not your ordinary 1020 steel. Since I wired up the new welder, I think finish weld it with some low hydrogen rods rather than TIG welding it, which is what I used to tack the pieces together. I want to try out the new machine anyway.

Looks like Indiana is curtailing travel except for essential businesses. Starting tomorrow, all of us non-essentials are to stay home until further notice. I'm going out today and fill up the gas tanks on the vehicles. I've got a couple of books to return to the library but they've closed the after hours book drop. I need to call my boss and tell him I won't be coming in any time soon. I do have some parts here at the house to work on. I'll get those taken care of and keep them here until the quarantine ends or he needs them desperately and then he can come pick them up. 

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