Monday, May 25, 2020

Memorial Day

2020 will be one for the books. Seems like half the world is shut down. Unemployment figures here in America are at record levels. Businesses are failing - Hertz has filed for bankruptcy after being in business for 100 years. Soldiers and sailors are still dying and for what, I don't know.

This will be the first year in a long time that Cuzzin Ricky and I won't make the Dead Relative Tour. The Missus usually handles getting the flowers but her normal sources were dried up this year. I don't know how strict a quarantine Rick has been observing but you can't stay six feet apart in the cab of a pickup. The Missus told me they didn't put the flags out in the cemetery this year either. I'll take a solo trip in a week or two. Even if I can't come up with any flowers, I'll at least stop and pay my respects. When things quite down a bit Rick and I can make the trip.

They say the hot weather should kill the virus. It got up to 93 around here yesterday so hopefully that will accelerate the process. I just hope what with all that's been going on we still are able to remember and appreciate all those who gave their all for us.


From Here

I came across this after posting the above - actually sums up what I've been thinking rather nicely.

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