Sunday, May 24, 2020
Rapido Update
I finished putting the Rapido back together last week. I need to put the new foot peg rubbers on, clean out the gas tank and then see about getting it running. It ran when I parked it but that was a long time ago. As long as the crank seals are good, it should run. I've already cleaned the carb and it actually didn't look too bad. That's one of the nice things about two-stroke fuel mix - it doesn't turn to varnish over night like the stuff they pass off as gasoline these days.
And in the same vein, I got the motorbike I finished last year out and running again. I should have done a walk-around like the airplane pilots do before take off, however. There were a couple of loose fasteners and the chain needed adjusting. Not all that surprising, really. When we got it running the grandson rode it quite a bit that day and then nothing until the other day. It's all good now, though, so I can use it to fetch the mail or whatever.
I was thinking about the Rebel build and while it has a passenger seat/pad I think it might be cool to get rid of the stock one and put an old school pillion pad on it. I did a quick search and found a couple online but they don't really have the same look as what I remember them looking like. I might have to brush up on my saddle stitching or find myself a leather worker. One of these days I'll take a good hard look at the bike and see which way I want to go with this thing. In the meantime, I'll keep working off the list wherever that takes me.
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