Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Hot Again


Ain't that the truth!

I got the little windmill mostly repaired last evening. I need to fire up the torch to help straighten out a little something and then it'll be fixed. It's going to be hot again today. With the heat index maybe 100 or a bit above. Monday made it up to 95 or a bit above without the heat index. I've been out on the bike early before it heats up too much and rode 10 miles both Sunday and Tuesday. Won't be much else going on until it cools down a bit - mostly keeping up with the chores and doing odds and ends around the shack.

I did swing by work and cleaned out my locker. So it would appear I am actually retired now. I'm pretty sure I can get used to not going to work but I'm going to miss the paycheck. The Missus and I have a yours, mine and ours system for our finances and the side hustle was all mine. I liked having the  freedom to spend that money on whatever I wanted - project parts and materials, travel, etc. I'll just have to watch my pennies a bit closer now but fortunately, I was able to make that decision on my own terms. Lots of people are hurting now and it's only going to get worse in the very near future. If you're not already set on your "preps", I'd be working on that. We all might be "going to the mattresses" real soon. 

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