Friday, August 28, 2020



The oil tank fits & the customer's happy. And if he's happy, I'm happy. The welds don't look as nice as I would have liked but some days it bees that way. Good project to keep my hand in and to figure out the new welding machine.

Finished up the little windmill for the sister-in-law. Straightened what was bent, replaced a bearing that may or may not have been damaged when the tree came down, greased things, and put it back together with a couple of new cotter keys. Good for a 100,000. 

Had a phone appointment with my family physician yesterday. The office had called the day before to set it up to review my numbers from the blood test and said the doc would call me before 1:00 PM. I hadn't heard from them by 1:30 so I went out to the shop to do a little something. Came in an hour later and the call came through. I had to repeat everything I had told them when I went in last week and then they put me on hold, then they came back on line and gave me the thanks for holding, what can we do for you? You put me on hold, remember? Then the doc came on and asked if he had done blood work, which was the point of the call. Then he said he'd call me back. Finally we got to the crux of the matter and I got the test results. My A1C is a little higher than it should be and my cholesterol is up. Neither number is terrible but reflect the fact I've been sitting on my ass a lot more and eating too much dead animal flesh and Little Debbie Swiss Rolls since the cooties hit. 

I'm back on the bicycle and have started a bit of strength training, so I've got the exercise part of the equation covered. Diet part is just a matter of showing some restraint, especially in the evenings. I'm about a week away from hitting 70 - like to make it a while longer. Not only get older but also be physically able to enjoy what time I have left. I've still got a lot of things left I want to do.

Looks like the hurricanes are playing hell with Gulf coast. Riots are still going strong. I think it's about time somebody throws a flag and calls a penalty for piling on. And you know gas prices are going to go up now also. I've thrown in the towel on 2020 already, so as long as the Missus and I stay healthy and we don't get hit with some natural disaster, I'll just keep my head down, the gas tank topped off and roll with it.

Stay safe and restock. The next six months are going to be real interesting. 

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