Monday, September 7, 2020

Labor Day

 I looked up the East Coast Timing Association and it appears they no longer run in Ohio. They've got something going on in Arkansas but I didn't spend much time at the website. I did, however, look up the Southern California Timing Association. A current rulebook is $10.00, so I think I'll order one. Realistically, I'll be lucky to even get the jitney finished but if I build it to the rules I will be able to run it, or Surly and the boys can take it out there some day.

Saw this one here. I missed out on the flat track race at Terre Haute along with all the other stuff Cuzzin Ricky and I had planned this year. Definitely need to get out to the races next year even if I have to suit up in Tyvek and a gas mask.

Working man's holiday today. I'm guessing there are plenty of people out there who wish they were back to work right about now. The year started out at about as close to full employment as is possible but now, who knows what the real figure is? I saw the figure of a bit over 8% but I'm not buying it. I haven't seen the figure of how many are actually working but I'd guess the real unemployment figure is closer to 15%. This country has had some serious struggles with labor practices over our history and things were really pretty damn good just prior to the cooties hitting. There was still room for improvement - real take home wages haven't kept up with inflation by any means but working conditions have improved. Many pension plans are in trouble now though. If they weren't before they probably are now. Going to be some hard times coming.

On a happier note, enjoy your holiday all you working men and women out there. Keep your heads up and keep punching the clock. This country needs hard working people now more than ever. Stay safe and don't over-do the BBQ today.  

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