Sunday, September 6, 2020

Messing With The King


I saw on the news the other night that the "protesters" painted a bunch of graffiti on the walls outside of Graceland. Tearing down statues of presidents and war heroes - that's bad. Destroying businesses that people have worked their whole life to have - that's even worse. But messing with the King? That's crossing the line. I'm thinking it won't be long before you see old guys showing up at the protests. That'll be when it all gets real. Get prepared and avoid crowds.

 Bonneville again. This one actually set a record which is way cool. Probably due to that bitchin' expansion chamber. 

My running buddy's hubby dropped this one off for me to repair the other evening. It's the front spindle assembly for a Gator, I believe. I'm thinking one of his sons plowed into something. I doubt seriously that 3/4" shaft would have sheared off during normal usage. I'll have to cut some of the flat bar away so I can weld the shaft back together and then replace what I had to cut away so there's a flat surface for the thrust washer to sit on. Depending on how the tooth is treating me, maybe tackle it today. I'm still having headaches a week after having the tooth removed. I'm back on solid food but the jaw is still tender to the touch. Harshin' my mellow, as they used to say.

I ordered a fuel cell for the jitney project. If I was to get the rag out of my ass, I could have that thing ready to trailer out to Bonneville next year. There used to be an East Coast Timing Association. I don't know if they are still a thing or not, but they ran in Ohio. Maybe look into that. Might be the incentive I need to put this project into high gear.

Get yourselves squared away, avoid crowds and don't believe everything you read in the funny papers.

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