Saturday, October 31, 2020
Ain't Misbehavin'
Friday, October 30, 2020
Back On The Roller
It was a little chilly yesterday but not a bad day for a little lumberjacking. I've got quite a bit of brush and tree branches that need trimming. I can do that throughout the winter. I might call the tree guys back for a little professional help on a couple of the big branches that are over hanging the barn. I'll keep picking away at things and see how it goes. They cut down the stuff that I was really concerned with this summer. I don't think there's any panic on the rest of it.
After the lumberjacking I drug out the parts for the roller. There's not too much left to do. The rollers are made by pressing a sprocket hub into a piece of 1-1/2" pipe. They're a snug fit but I'll tack them in. After I get them tacked I'll put them in the lathe between centers and polish them up. The sprocket hubs have two set screws each that will keep them attached to the 1/2" rod that they will spin on. I need to put a couple of flats on the rod so the screws will hold better. Maybe just spot drill the rod so the screws will drop into a shallow hole.
The roller shafts run in brass bushings that are pressed into the adjusters. I had to ream the adjusters, press the bushings in and then ream the bushings. I need to weld the drive sprockets to the hubs as seen in the lower photo. Nothing to that. I still need to make a couple of keepers for the bushings for the top roll. I thought I had made those already but since they weren't in the box of parts, I guess not. I also need to make the handle and cut the three roller shafts to length. Only thing after that is clean and paint. Depending on what else comes along in the next few days, might have it finished up next week.
Thursday, October 29, 2020
Pattern Progress
Monday, October 26, 2020
Time To Start Thinking Pattern Development
I got the pieces cut out to reinforce my tubing bender and some pieces for the side hustle yesterday. I was going to do a bit more in the shop but I discovered there was a MotoGP race on television - about the last chance to watch racing of any kind this season. And since it was an international event there wasn't any of the political BS like NASCAR or sportsball, just racing mano y mano. Franco Morbidelli was the winner by the way.
I took a quick look at the jitney after cutting out the parts. I wanted to give some thought to changing the cockpit design a bit. One of the things I was concerned with following the original plan was mounting a decent roll cage. If I make the cockpit/tub more like the car in the previous post, I can still make a boat tail rear but narrow it up a couple of inches on each side so I can mount a hoop behind the tub directly to the frame rail as well as a couple of braces to the rear without having to poke holes in the sheet metal.
Regardless of what I settle on for sheet metal, I'm going to need a layout/template for the skin. I got out my book on making automobile sheet metal that I bought some years ago from Lindsay before he retired. The book is a reprint of a 1912 edition so all of the cars featured are some of the earliest examples of automotive coach building. And that's a good thing for a one off builder like myself. There is a lot of info on the process of building panels including, which is why I dug the book out, pattern development. It runs you through the process of drawing out two views and then developing the true length lines required to make a flat pattern.
I used to teach a little bit of this at the high school. To be honest, I was never real good at it. I always had to work through all the problems before the students so I wouldn't look like a dumb ass but I did have a fall-back if needed. Our department head was a whiz-bang with this stuff and if I needed some help he could answer any question I could come up with. Fortunately, I could answer most any question the students might have had, so it was all good. I'm going to start drawing up a couple of options for the cockpit and make a full size half pattern to see which one I like best. I'm starting to develop an image in my mind's eye that I think will work for me. It's about time to sweep the floor and bust out a new piece of soapstone.
Sunday, October 25, 2020
High Noon
Saturday, October 24, 2020
Saddle Up
Thursday, October 22, 2020
I'm A Big Fan
Tuesday, October 20, 2020
ER1100 For The Skin
Monday, October 19, 2020
This, That and Some Corn
Saturday, October 17, 2020
Birthday Boy
Friday, October 16, 2020
![]() |
From Here |
Wednesday, October 14, 2020
Monday, October 12, 2020
Good Weekend
Saturday, October 10, 2020
Sidework and Homework
Friday, October 9, 2020
I don't normally get too involved in politics here but since 2020 has been such a train wreck, might as well throw my two cents in. I've already cast my vote so watching the debates wasn't going to decide how I was going to fill out my ballot. However, in the interest of being an informed citizen, I'd figured I should watch them. I watched a little over an hour of the presidential debate and concur with most of the reviews I saw that it was a shit show. Trump was a bully and paid no mind what-so-ever to the rules of a debate. I assume some of this was by design, trying to rattle Biden so he would make some serious miscues but I was not impressed. And after Trump left the hospital the other day he fired off a plethora of Tweets making him look like a complete buffoon in my estimation. More like some of the goombahs I had in high school than the president of the United States. Biden was nothing to write home about either. Seems like everyone in the US knows that he's suffering from some type of dementia and that at the advanced age of 78, this is not going to work out well if he's elected. Shit show indeed.
Not having learned my lesson from the Presidential debates, I tuned in to the Vice Presidential debates. I didn't last long on this one. The moderator had better control but the performances of both of the candidates was insulting. Sen Harris started out giving the story of her life rather than answering the question that was posed. Vice President Pence followed Trumps lead and kept talking after his allotted time was up. He too for some reason didn't respond directly to the questions. And these weren't tough questions. Maybe it got better after I tuned out but from what I read, I don't think so. I doubt anyone trying to decide who to vote for would have gotten much out of it. I personally was disappointed in Pence's performance - God fearing man from my home state, supporter of vocational education, decent record as a politician in Indiana and has been able to tolerate Trump for almost four years. But his debating skills were certainly not on display the other night. If they give you two minutes, stop talking when you're time's up. You have a one minute time for a rebuttal, not while the other person has the floor.
When the elected officials holding the two highest offices in the land can't follow the simple rules of a debate, why should I vote for them? In fact why should I vote at all anymore? I've had enough of voting for the lesser of two evils. I've done my civic duty and voted in every election since I turned 18 and this is where we've ended up just the same. I don't know what's going to happen with the remaining debates now but it doesn't matter to me. Rome's burning and the politicians are fiddling. End of the empire I'm afraid.
Thursday, October 8, 2020
Wednesday, October 7, 2020
Monday, October 5, 2020
World Teacher Day
Saturday, October 3, 2020
Painted Head
Friday, October 2, 2020
Diggin' Out the Parts
Thursday, October 1, 2020
Blast It!