Sunday, January 31, 2021

Frame Rail


Just happened to look out the back window yesterday morning and saw a flock of turkeys on the other side of the back fence. There were at least a dozen of them, with a couple of them perched in one of my oak trees. When they decided it was time to leave, some of them flew and some of them walked, like the two in the photo. While I enjoy the wildlife, I just wish the raccoons, squirrels and ground hogs would leave me alone.

I got one of the rear frame rails tacked together. The plan calls for a crossmember about where the bend is so I welded in a couple of spacers to stiffen that area. I'm planning on running a roll cage and there will be a tube that will extend vertically from that same point, bend 90 degrees towards the front of the cab and then down at about a 45 deg angle to a point about mid-way between the firewall and radiator. There will be a couple of cross tubes tying both outside rails together with the rear one incorporating a provision for a headrest. That will stiffen up the frame considerably and make it safe for the driver - which initially, of course will be yours truly. 

I've been giving some thought to the seat. I haven't decided on an actual seat or forming something up as part of the cab. If I put an actual seat, should I make a bomber style or buy a fiberglass one or something similar. It might be nice to have something that's adjustable. Regardless of what I come up with, I'll need to make provisions for fastening a harness. Lots to do yet but making progress. 

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