Saturday, January 30, 2021



When you want to make some fast progress, you break out the big guns. The old 9" Black and Decker Wildcat. It'll make quick work of anything that needs grinding but it'll give you a workout in the process. I used to use one of these all the time at the high school and when I was doing a lot of outside work for people. I used to have forearms like Popeye as a result. Now, it doesn't take long and I've got arm pump and a sore wrist. However, I got my parts ground down nice and smooth.

The side rails for the rear frame rails are ready to weld. I clamped them together and ground them all at the same time so they'd all be exactly alike. With the big grinding wheel it's easier to get straight surfaces than when using a 4-1/2" grinder. After grinding, I ran a flap wheel over them to give them a smoother surface and to remove any burrs left from the grinder. I cut a couple of pieces to make the top of the rails but I don't have quite enough material to make the bottom plates. I'll have to run over to the steel supply and have him shear me a strip next week. I dug out a piece of round tubing for the back cross piece. I might make a couple of pieces to stiffen up the tube and then weld on a couple of push bars.

While I was cutting and grinding, I made the plates for the engine stand for the SR500. I'll look and see if I've got some bolts to fit and depending, I'll either make a trip to the hardware store or grab what I've got here and then head to the storage space and make sure the plates will fit. I get that done I'll make the rest of it.

They're forecasting a serious snowfall this weekend. I got the tractor started, so I'm ready for the snow. Since I don't have enough material to finish the frame rails, I'll tack together what I've got and start on the pieces for the side hustle.  

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