Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Bike, Dr. & Jitney


I got the "racing" bike out the other day - pumped up the tires and put a new battery in the speedometer. Of course it took me a while to figure out how to reset the thing. I finally had to resort to looking for the manual which took me almost as much time as entering the new settings. I took the bike for a short test ride later and found that it's more uncomfortable than I remembered it being. The frame is smaller than my touring rig and I have to bend down lower when my hands are in the drops - going to have to work on stretching out the lower back muscles. 

I put in another ten mile ride yesterday. I'm slowly building up the mileage base and picking up the pace while out. I've got a long way to go to be in racing shape but I shouldn't have any problem doing a 62 mile ride by the end of the summer. 

All the cycling has been paying dividends. I had a check-up with the cardiologist yesterday. My last one was just a phone interview so now that he's seeing patients again he wanted me to come in. The doctor was pleased with the EKG results and the vitals. I go back in December for my regular annual. He's got me scheduled for an echocardiogram and the normal blood work. Shouldn't be anything to worry about. Actually, it should be a confirmation that I'm on the right path with my diet and exercise program.

I set the trans down in between the frame rails yesterday. I need to move some things out of the way of the horse that's supporting the rear of the frame rails. As you can see in the photo, the tailshaft housing is up against the horse and I think I need to move the engine and trans back a couple of inches. Time to do some "ciphering" before I proceed much further. Steady by jerks as my old pal Joey used to say.

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