Monday, June 7, 2021

Dash Hood Weld-Up


Warm day again yesterday but didn't seem quite as hot as Saturday. I put ten miles in on the bike in the morning and then met up with the boxing group in the afternoon for a workout - managed to stay on my feet this time but I took my bifocals off just to be on the safe side.

In between my workouts I pulled a short shift on the jitney. In order to put the transmission in by myself, I need be able to get the floor crane in there. The sheet metal on the dash hood was still in two pieces that were held in place with several clamps and Clecos. I finished fitting it over the framework and then welded the seam inside and out. Right now, there's only four screws holding the frame to the main frame rails, so I'll unbolt it, clean up underneath, get the trans bolted to the engine, and start designing the crossmember.

After doing a bit more in-depth reading of the SCTA rule book, there's enough room on each side of the seat for roll cage tubes to pass through to the front but the tubes around the top would require some creativity. My original design was to make a cage more like a modern sprint car, thinking that would be more than adequate. I'll keep thinking about the cage design as well as doing some cost analysis for things like a fire suppression system and a HANS device. Might be looking at a street rod now.

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