Saturday, February 5, 2022

Parts In The Snow


The headlights showed up in the mailbox Thursday after the roads opened up. I drilled the shock towers for the mounting stud yesterday. I think the grill covering the lens is going to fit right in with the look I'm going for. 

While I was out in the shop, I ran out of propane for my heater and about the same time the Missus called and told me the neighbor brought me a couple of packages and left them on the porch - seems the UPS driver didn't want to risk coming down the lane to deliver the boxes, so he left them next to the mailbox.

I decided to call it quits as far as working in the shop but decided to shovel out a path to roll the fresh propane tank in place and then get the boxes. When I headed for the shack to get the boxes, I happened to look towards the mailbox and saw a Fed-Ex van. Apparently he wasn't brave enough to run the lane either. I walked down to get the mail and if I hadn't had seen the delivery, I never would have seen the package he left in the snow behind the mailbox.

The UPS boxes were from Speedway. I'm thinking someone in the county might be willing to risk grabbing those. Especially since the lane is almost 1/4 mile long - even if I saw them, not much chance of catching them. And then I'd be without my new taillights. 

Seems the delivery drivers aren't too comfortable taking a chance on a long driveway, even it has been plowed. I don't blame them for not wanting to get stuck, but the visibility was good and you could see the whole length of the lane was clear. This isn't the first time this has happened. I'm going to have to check the five-day forecast before placing orders in the winter, I guess.

Anyway, I've got more parts and propane. I'll be heading back out to the shop later today.

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