Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Snow Day


Looks like they hit the bullseye with the weather forecast. I went out about 10:00 this morning and we had already gotten about 8" of snow and it was still coming down. I wanted to open up the lane before it got too deep and old Allis wouldn't be able to push it. If you enlarge the photo and look closely slightly lower and to the right of center, you can see the blue garbage can. However, on the first pass down the lane, I lost sight of it due to white-out conditions when I was about half way there. 

Looks pretty out there, though. My little cheapy digital camera always records snowy images with too much blue. I touched this one up a bit but it's definitely a black and white scene out there today. When I looked out there earlier this morning I saw two deer walking along the tracks - tough day out there for the wildlife.

Tough day for a short-legged dog to try and take care of business also, unless Daddy-O does some shoveling first. Larry doesn't mind the snow but he's decided there's no way he's going out in temperatures below zero - which made for a couple of interesting scenarios recently. I bought some puppy training pads and we've now come to terms. 

It's still snowing, so I think I'll wait a little while and then start the snow blower and cut a path out to the shop, the chicken coop and the garage. Maybe run up and down the lane again with the tractor.

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