Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Something's In The Air


Something is definitely in the air. I don't know what to make of all of it but it looks like the covid vaccine mandates have been pushed as far as they're going to be tolerated. Of course that doesn't mean those in power are going to give up easily - just look at what's going on in Canada. Here in the states we've got an election coming up, so those in power are going to have to come up with something to make people forget how badly they've handled this "pandemic" along with a host of other things. Maybe everyone will forget if they can scare the pants off the people with some saber-rattling with Russia. 

Here's something I bought recently to feed my paranoia. It's a used copy, only a couple of bucks and it's autographed by the author. That Amazon's somethin', now ain't it?

I'm about three-quarters of the way through the book - interesting and with a lot of useful information. To be thoroughly prepared as the author tells it, you'd have to have some pretty deep pockets. I know I'm not going to buy night-vision goggles or a used hand cranked hospital bed. However, the introduction starts with a scenario of a pandemic hitting the country. The book goes into more details on pandemics later on but I haven't read that yet. I'm sure the plan of action in the book won't be anything like what has transpired in reality. 

I had to take the Missus to the eye doctor yesterday. I always dread leaving the county heading north and yesterday reinforced my concern. First off, the car in front of me decides to turn left and pulls into the oncoming traffic, apparently thinking it was the turn lane. It quick corrected at the same time another car passed me on the right and tried to get into the spot the other car had just vacated. Fortunately, no contact was made but it was close from a couple different directions.

About a mile up the road, we encountered a car in the northbound left turn lane but pointing south. I don't know how she did it but she managed to narrowly escape without anyone bending any sheetmetal. 

I shouldn't have to head up that way again at least for a couple of months, thank goodness.

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