Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Tee Shirt Tuesday #16


Sprint Week Souvenir tee. Says 2016 on the front of it - hard to believe it's been that long ago. Of course, I didn't get to a single race of any sort the last two years. Cuzzin Ricky and I did good that year, though. We managed to hit five of the seven races. We got lucky at the end of the week. There was a rain out on one of the events. Rick and I went to Haubstadt and the make-up date was at Terre Haute the following night and since it was on the way home, we stayed on the road another night, caught the race at the Vigo County Fairgrounds, had a pork tenderloin and pie on the way back home. Good trip, for sure.

I machined up a guzzinta - as in the one piece guzzinta the other piece. It's a proof of concept part for an idea I've got. I don't want to spend too much time on this thing now - I'll have less than 200 days to meet my goal on the jitney later this week. Plus there's always other things that capture my short  attention span. It was a good job to keep my skill level up. I had to grind a tool bit to bore the flat  bottom in the hole, plus another to do the internal threads. If I was to go into production, definitely need some better tooling. Or farm it out, stay in the recliner and collect my royalties.

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