Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Tee Shirt Tuesday #34


You're getting both the front and the back this week. Since most of my tee shirts are from a running, walking or bicycling event, the backs are usually sporting sponsors' names. Not all that interesting but certainly appreciated.

If memory serves, I bought this one from Garage magazine or something associated with it. Cool design and like a lot of young men, I had a hankerin' to go there back in the late sixties - early seventies when the shirt would have been current. Never made it then but did a couple years ago. No need to go back there.

I had a subscription to Garage magazine but like Invention and Technology magazine, it was here one day and gone the next. No warning, no explanation. It was a product of Jesse James and was put together well with a lot of interesting car and bike stuff. I might still have a pile of them somewhere along with another car mag, the name of which escapes me right now. It probably folded up as well, since I didn't see it on the rack when I went to Barnes and Noble the other day.

I finished up the rod ends for the larger size tube on the ladder bars. It took me a little longer than I anticipated but if I was a real machinist, I could have foreseen the problem and not run into it. I have to make two more of a smaller diameter and then make some pieces for the spring shackles. I need to order some stock for those as well as some tube before I can finish the ladder bars, but I'm getting there. I still need to figure out what I'm going to do about the quick change, especially since I'll have all the parts to hang it under the car. 

The lilies are starting to bloom. The one in the photo I planted last year. Pretty looking thing. I've got a row of them along the fence for the chicken coop. That's a grape vine running diagonally across the photo I need to trim back. There are plenty of grapes on the vines this year. There are several blossoms on the watermelon vines and the cantaloupe is growing nicely, even though it got a late start. As long as I keep everything watered in this hot weather, should be enjoying some tasty veggies before much longer.

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