Sunday, June 19, 2022

Weekend Update


Photo by Cuzzin Ricky

Shop Teacher Bob doing a little repair work on the big barn. There are six fiberglass sky light panels on the roof. I replaced a couple of them even before I owned the property. They were pretty bad and I didn't want the trusses or purlins to go bad if I ended up owning the building later on. The farmer who was renting the property paid me back for my material cost, nice guy that he was. One of the ones I didn't replace back then broke in half and was flapping in the breeze, definitely time to replace that one. I decided to replace all of them so I got three new panels to do one side yesterday. The Missus didn't want me out there on my own, so Cuzzin Ricky answered the call as my safety man/ground man. 

The job went smoothly and Cuzzin Rick didn't have to call 911. He's a good ground man, just the same - saved me several trips up and down the ladder. I need to clear some brush on the other side and then I'll see about us replacing the other three. The new panels made a huge difference in the light inside the barn. Replacing the others will make it even better.

Friday I was going to finish up the pieces for the jitney ladder bars but I had a break down on the mower. The bearing on the idler pulley gave it up, so I made a run to the dealer. It's about twenty minutes away but they had a new improved version and it didn't break the bank. The original pulley was made from plastic and this is the second time this has happened. The new one is metal and the bearing is a made in America item. The guy at the dealer said they had trouble with the bearings, hence the new and improved version. The mower is a zero turn Bad Boy and this is the only trouble I've had with it. It's a well made machine with the deck made from welded plate as opposed to a stamping. Anyway, the mower is fixed, the grass is cut, the barn roof's fixed, so back to the shop.

Happy Father's Day to all you Daddy-Os out there.


  1. Looking at the extended forecast, I'm glad you picked yesterday for your project!

  2. We're at the point we don't want to work in any temperature lower than our age in the winter, or any temperature warmer than our age in the summer.
