Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Carb & Adaptor


I finished the machine work on the adaptor plate yesterday. I got off to a slow start due to a big storm passing through that knocked the power out for a bit. The generator kicked on but I wasn't going to run out to the shop in the rain, and I don't like putting a big load on the generator. Regardless, I got the machine work finished. I still need to round the corners off on the plate and do a little work with the die grinder on the manifold, but definitely would call this progress. I'll get that taken care of, bolt the manifold on, and then see what I need to do to hook up the throttle and choke linkage, and the fuel line. When I get that figured out I'll clean up the manifold again and then paint it. 

Most everything in the shop was sweating while I was working out there - seemed to get worse after I opened up the big door as the day wore on. One of the rites of spring. I took some time to clean everything off out there and sprayed WD-40 on most of the metal surfaces. Usually, the sweating only lasts for a day or two, but it's not the kind of thing you want to have on your machine tools.

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