Thursday, April 6, 2023

Spring Storms +


Big storm blew through during the early morning hours yesterday. Lots of thunder and lightning - enough to wake me up and keep me awake. I fell back asleep later and it was close to 70 degrees when I woke up. It cooled off dramatically in the afternoon and was supposed to get close to freezing last night. Bad timing for my magnolia trees. Hopefully, I'll get to enjoy something besides brown flowers that have been frost bit. The fruit trees should be OK as long as the weather warms up and we don't have anymore cold nights.

I stayed busy yesterday diddle-dickin' around with a couple of odds jobs, phone calls and text messages. I laced up a new bladder in a speed bag from the gym. That'll be the last time for this one. The top loop and flap is about shot. I bought a new bag not too long ago - should have bought two while I was ordering. This Title bag is my preferred bag in the 6x9 size. Even though I've slowed down some over the years, I can still make it sing. 

I made it out to the shop later in the day and made a blank-off plate for the Jitney manifold. I'm planning on painting the manifold silver to match the engine block and I'm thinking the brass plate will be a nice touch. The studs are just to check the fit. I'm thinking some stainless button heads will look good on there. If I can think of something clever, I might see about getting the plate engraved and polishing it up. Maybe get ambitious and engine turn it. If I don't like how it looks after painting the manifold, I'll use the brass one as a pattern and make one out of aluminum or stainless.

As long as the storms stay away, I'll try and get out to the shop and get some more progress on the car today. I've got some yard and garden work to do, but that'll have to wait until it dries out.

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