Friday, April 7, 2023

Lookin' Pretty


I got the carb and manifold bolted up to the Slant-Six yesterday. I might have been a bit premature making that brass plate. It looks like the best way to hook up the throttle cable is to make a bell crank. That way the throttle cable will be pulling rather than pushing. I can make a short link to do the pushing. Now I need to find a fitting that will attach to the ball fitting on the carb. Instead of the brass plate, I can make a plate to fasten the bell crank to and bolt it to the manifold using the same mounting holes as the brass plate.

I'll also have to do a bit of head scratching to get the fuel line and the choke cable sorted but that should be pretty straight forward. I also need to finish the steering before too much longer to make sure my design is actually going to work. 

I need to finish the vintage trials bike this year and get a few other things knocked out - not getting any younger.

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