Saturday, April 8, 2023



Not much doubt about that anymore. The suspense, however, is starting to get to me.

Hillsdale College hosted a livestream event with Ron DeSantis Thursday evening. Pretty interesting presentation by Gov. DeSantis and the session afterwards with him and Hillsdale's Dr. Arn. Also, I saw where Robert Kennedy Jr. has thrown his hat in the ring as a presidential candidate with the Democratic Party. 

Kennedy, from what little I know about him, is more like the Democrats of old, that is, a friend of the working man. I was really impressed with his book about Fauci. I learned from the livestream broadcast DeSantis also has a book out - going to have to check the library for that one. I told the Missus, DeSantis should run for president with Kennedy as his vice-president running mate on the Republican ticket, and Kennedy should run for president with DeSantis as his vice-president running mate on the Democrat ticket. Regardless of how much cheating went on with the election, we might still get a decent outcome that way. Sure to be interesting, regardless.

While working in the shop Thursday, I heard on the radio the feds had made public the report on pulling the military out of Afghanistan. According to what I heard on the radio, very little was left behind, but then yesterday, I saw how they came up with that result. Apparently, they had given everything to the Afghanis prior to leaving, so all the stuff they left behind was theirs, not ours. Boy, I feel a lot better knowing that.

Peace to all of you on this most holy of holidays. Better days are coming, just might be awhile.

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