Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Mowers and Welding


Snow on Monday morning. Not the kind of day I'd choose for the middle of April. The average temperature is supposed to be 60 degrees. If you take the 85 degree temperature from the weekend, add the 45 degree temperature from Monday, divide by 2, yep, pretty close to a 60 degree average.

However, it did warm up into the mid-fifties yesterday. I cleaned up and mowed the poop park with the reel mower, and then mowed the front yard with the big mower. Afterwards I tried out the blade sharpener I bought for the reel mower. There's a strip of sandpaper that you stick on the sharpener fixture. The sharpener then gets clamped to the anvil/platform on the mower. Adjust the blade until there's just enough pressure on the reel that you can still turn it by hand. Next step is to push the mower on a flat surface for a couple of minutes. It does a pretty nice job. It was shipped with three pieces of sandpaper. One cleaned up the blades fairly well. One more go around would probably have it nice and sharp. Now that I know how to do it, I'll probably try it out and see how it does first. I didn't have a chance to try it due to the grandson showing up for a welding lesson.

The plate has three layers of weld on it - doesn't look too bad for a rookie. There are a couple of obvious holes caused by slag inclusions, but his delivery is becoming more consistent. He's still got a long way to go but he's picking it up pretty fast. The electrode is E-6011. They don't make the prettiest of welds even in the hands of a skilled welder. You need some iron powder in the flux coating if you want pretty looking welds. We'll get to that after he learns to control the 6011s.

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