Thursday, April 20, 2023

Typical Spring Day


Weather was good again yesterday - hit 75 in the afternoon. I did some lumberjack work with the new chainsaw, tried out the newly sharpened reel mower (much improved by the way), mowed the back yard, and cleaned up the drill press. I've got a woodworking job that will profit from the spindle sander - another job that got pushed to the back of the line. I'm hoping to finish up a few of those that have been laying around for a while, but not at the expense of finishing up the jitney and a couple of bike projects.

Dentist visit this morning and taking the Missus to the eye doctor tomorrow. I'd could get a lot more done without all the doctor and dentist visits we go to. Of course, I could get a little more ambitious and work longer hours during the day. That kind of goes against the grain of being retired, in my book. Need to keep all the elements of daily living in balance. Not always easy, but it's a damn sight easier since I don't have to go to work any more. 

From Here

Barcelona, Spain. One of the places I'd really like to visit. Hawaii is number one on the list, so I can complete my quest to see all 50 of the states. I'd also like to see Scotland and go back to Ireland again. And even though I've been to Italy a couple of times and have been fortunate to have seen quite a bit of it, I wouldn't mine spending some more time there. I've been blessed to have seen so much of the world, but sure wouldn't mind seeing a bit more of it before my time is up.

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