School's out and not a moment too soon, I might add. Been a pretty good year, student wise but a typical year public education wise. As a guy I used to work with would say: "The incompetent leading the apathetic". That pretty well sums it up. So now it's time to get some work done around the shack and pursue some of my projects.
I'm thinking I need to hit a couple licks on the midget racer for the grandson. As you can see from the photographs, construction is well under way. Making the rest of the sheet metal is going to be the hard part. I built the buck for the nose and started hammering out the first piece. It wasn't going quite as I would have liked, so I got out my Covell video and promptly fell asleep. You wouldn't think a guy could fall asleep while someone is hammering and pounding on a piece of aluminum but once I'm in the big chair and the sun goes down, it's pretty much a lost cause. I did make it through the first couple of minutes when he's laying out the pieces for a similar project. I think I'm trying to bend too large of a piece at one time. I'll hit it a few more times and see what happens. I figure if I post the progress, there might actually be some. I'm looking to finish this thing for either Christmas or for his birthday in February. Now that there are two of the little rascals, when he out grows it he can pass it down to his little brother and I'll keep building bigger projects until he's my size and we can finish my Plymouth project or build something else together. Grandpa's got big plans for the boys.
Hi Bob,
I too teach shop, and I was wondering if you had a webpage for your class and it's projects. Looks like you do some pretty interesting stuff. Here is my class site: http://www.asheville.k12.nc.us/sites/ahs/staff/hendley/default.aspx
There is a page but it hasn't been updated in a long time. That's one of my goals for next year. I'll check out your site as soon as I get a chance. Thanks for the comment.
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