I managed to get the hood on the little midget. It's the busy time of year now. Finishing up projects, nine weeks grades, final exams, cutting the grass every time it stops raining, boxing - you name it - it's all going on. But the midget is pert near finished.
We've been working on rebuilding the high mileage car as well. We've got the frame all tacked together and will be trying to get the steering roughed in next week before school's out. I'm not sure what's going to happen with this project. I'm still looking for someone to help take it over but nothing much has materialized yet. My department head, who we affectionately refer to as the CAD God, has offered his assistance in making up the required drawings for the proposal. He's a guy you can count on for quality work. That would eliminate one of the big headaches. The kid working on the car right now says he's planning on coming in over the summer and helping. If we can get the car built early enough, I could stay with it another year. I'm just not going to be worrying about it next spring. If it's done, we go. If it's not, I'll give the stuff away to another school who wants to get into the contest or jerk the motor out of it and toss the rest of it in the lake. It would make a nice fish attractor.
This leads Mrs. STB to believe that she can't believe a word you say. So bend over buddy I get to kick you in your sitting pads.
I think you might enjoy this. It makes me laugh when I just want to walk out of the school and never walk back in. http://overheardintheoffice.com/ Enjoy!
Mrs. STB - How does calling someone a liar help?
STB - the midget looks quite phallic
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