I've been working like a madman getting things done around here.
The Angeles tricycle is ready to go. I got the everything painted, lubed and reassembled, including new hand gr
The bushing is for the mower. I bought a couple of bushings for the front wheels, you may recall, but all they had were the outers. The axle was worn quite a bit so I didn't want to put the new bushing on until I could fix the axle plus I wanted to replace the inners at the same time. I made up a couple of bronze bushings instead of ordering new plastic ones. The grease fitting on the originals were plastic as well and the grease gun didn't fit real well. I welded up the axle, ground and filed it nice and round and reassembled everything yesterday. Fortunately, I only had to weld one side. The mower is six years old, so this should last me for the life of the mower.
The bicycle with the outrigger is the beginning of a railbike. I started on this a couple of years ago but as usually happens, I got into the construction phase and then got sidetracked. I put all the pieces together the other day to see where I was at and figure out the next step. The front end needs a guide to keep the bike from falling off the rail. This will have some skateboard wheels mounted on an arm in front of the bicycle front wheel. It needs to lift up so it won't fall into a gap if you have to cross a switch. I machined up the spacers for the skateboard wheels and did a little head scratching. I think I've got it figured out. While this isn't a pressing concern, I would like to get it finished just for the giggle factor. Be the first one on your block to have one, kind of thing. As long as I'm getting the rest of "to-do" list done, might as well make a couple of pieces for this outfit as well.
Jeez! You're completing projects like a madman! I've been working on two lists: 1.Books I've been meaning to read and 2. The list I made with the nephews of things we wanted to do this summer. I'm progressing well through both but not at near the rate you're getting things done. Kudos! The Traveling Pirate leaves town on Tuesday. I have a laptop now so there should be a fair amount of posting especially during boring parts of meetings.
I've reached the point where all this unfinished crap is like the sword of Damocles hanging over my head. It needs to get done or get gone.
I just finished a good book: The Trouble With Boys by Peg Tyre. Talks about the issues of trying to educate the little darlin's and what the schools need to do differently. Pretty good read.
I like how you presuppose the meetings are going to be boring. Keep us posted.
Never heard of a Railbike before. Just make sure you're really on an abandoned line I guess.
Since you're in a groove on projects, I got a couple for ya!
Unk - Not really looking for anymore work right now but should be able to help you out pretty soon. I'm always looking for work for the boys or an interesting project for myself. Fill me in and we'll see.
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