It happened again. Just about the time I get caught up and start to think I'm getting ahead of the game, it hits the fan.
I had the grandson down for the weekend to try out the midget and spend a little bit of fun time. The midget was quite the experience. I tied a rope to the back of it to make sure he didn't run in to anything, put him in the saddle with a few words of instruction and he put it to the floor. Even though I put a throttle stop on it, it still runs a little too fast for the boy. And grandpa, who was running along behind him tugging on the rope to slow him down. I'm going to change the sprocket on the back and put some kind of stop directly on the carb linkage to get him down to a safer speed. But it runs and he had fun. So there you go.
Sunday we went out for breakfast and then to a steam/power show. Lots of old trucks, tractors, fire trucks and stationary engines. Everything and old man and a young boy wanted to see. It was a beautiful day and we had a great time. The young-un is old enough now that he's a lot of fun to spend time with. So that was the upside of the weekend.
I was going to cut the grass before the grandson came down but the mower quit on me. Like someone turned off the switch, quit. So I decided to check the switch and something didn't look right. I just figured I'd jumper around it and finish mowing and check it all out later. Bad idea. Instead of the starter cranking but the engine not running, now it doesn't do diddly. Also Saturday, Jimmy showed up with our "new" folding chairs he found for the gym. We got 63 free chairs but they're all rusty and need to be painted - before next Saturday's exhibition. So today, myself and a couple of my aces took the wire wheels to the chairs and then I went back after work and painted. So far I've got 27 of them painted and 9 more ready to paint. I'm shooting for another 18 or so tomorrow and the same on Wednesday. What a pain in the ass. Plus the grass is still growing and I had to have progress report grades posted by eight in the morning.
I've really got to start leaving myself a little breathing room so I don't have to go into a panic when the unexpected comes along. Because the unexpected, always comes along.