The Student Resource Time is turning out to be an interesting way to end the school day. Several students are really interested, several students not at all and a whole bunch of them want to come down just to hang out. The hanging out part isn't so bad because they come in and weld or tinker a little bit or they just want to hang out in a place where they feel comfortable. I have no real curriculum I need to follow - the class is whatever I make it. As always however, I'm surprised by the number of people who don't have enough natural curiosity to take a look at something when it's offered.
Our first blacksmithing project turned out pretty nice. It's an iron daffodil, in case you didn't figure it out. And if that's the case, maybe it didn't turn out so nice. The pounding on the anvil always brings in the young boys and the old men but apparently the magnetic attraction isn't quite as strong on high schoolers. It was fun making it anyway.
The helmet is progressing right smartly. The frame is done and I made up one of the panels. It just needs a little more planishing and it's ready to rivet in place. I'm going to offer up the chance to let the students try making the other three panels and see if I get any takers and if so, see what kind of job they can do.
As soon as the trailer job goes out ( left over from last year) and I do a little clean up, I'm going to bring my 900 in and finish up the sheet metal work on it. A student is going to bring in a gas tank from a go-kart for us to make as well. That should give the class something different to see. There's really no end to the metalsmithing field. I'll keep throwing things at them and hopefully something will create a spark. If nothing else, I'll get the chance to work on some of my own stuff guilt free.
We're working and posting again on the high mileage car, by the way. Joey should have at least one post per week. We should be able to work that into the enrichment time as well. Check out the link if you're interested.
The new boss seems to be interested in what we're doing down here in the Tech hallway. I need to publicize what we're doing a little more. The school has a page on their website for my program. Maybe I need to post some of our jobs there. If I get around to that I'll throw up a link. That way you can see how your tax dollars are being misspent.
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