As predicted, I once again have the day off due to inclement weather. After shoveling and plowing yesterday, I went down the basement and finished the miniature photo studio. I put a couple of braces under the old piece of paneling I'm using for a tabletop and fastened the backdrop to that. I then put a coat of paint on the whole works.
My first photo with the new set-up is the humping bears. The lighting was with a couple of small halogen bulbs mounted in aluminum reflectors. They give off a very warm light it appears. The backdrop is painted a medium blue with less than complete coverage of the wood paneling underneath so you get a little bit of the brown coming through. The yellow of the lights combined with the blue of the backdrop turned everything brown with a touch of purple, maybe. Since I'm partially colorblind, things look a little different to me than you, perhaps. The bears themselves are not that golden. They have a pretty good patina on them but once again the warm temperature of the lights brings out the gold color of the bronze. (If you click on the picture, it gets bigger. I handheld the camera but it's still pretty sharp.)
The photo was taken using the macro setting on the new camera. I tried out the food setting as well. It changes the color balance of the photo, so the bears could be more red or blue, if that's what you want. I have regular photoflood lamps that give a different color balance. I'm going to take a couple of more shots with the digital and take identical shots with black & white film and then compare them. Try a couple of different light sources as well as different backgrounds. Should be a good way to spend a couple of cold, snowy winter nights.
Thats sounds like a guy with a lot of time on his hands how do I get a job like that!!! Nice pic buy the way mabye ya missed your calling.
I know I get more time than most but it still doesn't seem like there's enough. I don't know how a guy does it with only two weeks vacation per year. How's the wrist? Time to start training, you know.
Let me know if you get the resopnse I sent you. Sent directly from email not sure if that goes directly to you did not post on blog so? if not will see you possibly Monday at the gym
The photo looks great. On my computer at home and at work the colors are fine. Nice warm gold on the bears and the background is grey. No worries. If you use a black background you can shoot a snooted flash (or hot light) with a gel to get whatever color you want.
Surly: I've got some rolls of paper in both black and brown, so I can change the background color easily enough. Other than the blog posting, I'm still more interested in B&W than digital, so graytones are probably more a concern than color anyway.
Nice job on your gun photos the other day, by the way.
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