Never having been to Louisiana before and trying to hit all the states in the Union before I die, New Orleans seemed like the perfect getaway destination. In order to qualify as a state you've officially been to, you have to mark your territory. First thing I did after getting off the train was to hit the Men's room and take a leak. That made 46 states. Only four more to go. California, Nevada, Alaska, and Hawaii.
We stayed in the Country Inn and Suites about three blocks from the French Quarter. When we get there I take a peek out the window and they're filming a commercial down below us! I think it was for Nair, which explains the girls with the nice looking legs. We also saw a famous movie and television actor, David Morse. If it wasn't, this dude was a dead ringer for him. He was just walking down the sidewalk and Rick and I both looked at each other and said: "isn't that ....?" I figured if both of us spotted him, it had to be the real deal. Of course, neither one of us could think of the guys name but we figured it out after we did a little homework on the hotel's computer.
The concierge at the hotel was extremely helpful. She got us dialed in real quick for our first night with a real good joint for supper and then some directions for seeing a few things. The night photo was taken along the river after we ate. It was a beautiful night to be out. The new camera actually has a setting for night scenes. If you click on the picture to enlarge it, it looks pretty sharp (actually, the hotel shot does to). You would think with the low light conditions that there would be no way to hand hold a shot and still have it come out sharp but it's pretty good. A tripod would have been better or maybe get the camera set up and use the self timer. The more I use the camera the better I like it.
Still got a few more things to say - stay tuned.
Hey, Yog. My dad just informed me that you have a darkroom...I'm extremely jealous. I have some darkroom equipment and would like to get together with you when you have the time because I'd like to see what I need and find out whether the things I have are any good. I've been into photography for about a year now and shoot whenever I have the chance. At any rate, contact Kirk or me if you ever have some time (I know you're extremely busy). Thanks- Scotty
I'll give you a call and see what we can do. I like talking shop.
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