One wall up,
one ready to go.
The walls are going back up, finally. My buddy Kevin came by the other morning and gave me a hand standing up the back wall and moving the freezer for the laundry room job. I got the south wall nailed together today and patched up a spot on the laundry room floor that needed a little attention before the tile guys get here on Monday. Tomorrow I'll try and get the north wall put together, move all the appliances and get the remaining linoleum and carpet up that's under them. I'll see if I can get some people scheduled for next week to give me a hand standing the north and south walls up, as well as building the east wall. It's going to take some muscle to lift up the header over the big doors. Hopefully, I'll have the lifting beams done by then so they can give me a hand sliding those under the top section. I should be able to jack them up into place by myself - maybe need one other pair of hands.
It's been a lot of work to get to this point. We had another big storm the other day and I thought about what would happen if I got to the same point in the construction process and a big storm hit again. I'm going to make sure I've got plenty of bracing on things before the top goes back on. I think I'll take some of the old 2x4 purlins from the first go-round and use those as diagonal braces on the sides. I'll screw them into the top and bottom plates as well as the studs. That should prevent the thing from racking out of shape if we do get a big blow. There's a 2x4 purlin around the bottom plate to fasten the siding to. I think I'm going to replace that with a 2x6, at least on the back wall. The extra width will let me fasten the double bottom plate and the studs together. That will help prevent the studs from pulling off the plate as well. That's what happened last time. When the wind blew, it racked out of shape and pulled the nails out of the end of the studs and down she came. Of course, if the siding would have been on, I probably would have been OK. I'm not taking any chances this time, though. It'll be hell for strong.