Monday, September 4, 2023



As I'm sure, most of you have heard of the passing of Jimmy Buffett at age 76. Yours truly hit 73 today, meaning if I use Jimmy Buffett as the yardstick, I've got three more to go. That being the case, I should probably start hitting it a little harder. 

Ain't that the truth. However, I really can't bitch about my station in life now or the years in between. I've done just damn near everything I've ever wanted to do - except the trip to Hawaii on my 50th anniversary. I'll lay all the blame for that on Fauci and the rest of the douchebags in charge of the covid fiasco. Regardless of what comes my way in the future, I'm hoping for a few more good years, enjoying my time with family and friends, and maybe even finishing a few projects. It's good to be alive.

And of course, happy Labor Day to all you working stiffs out there. Thanks for all your hard work.

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