After posting The Girl From Ipanema the other day, my curiosity got the better of me and I went looking to see what else I could find by Astrud Gilberto. There's actually quite a bit and there's also quite a bit by the group here. This young lady sounds like Astrud, and I wish there was a radio station that I could pick up that played some Bossa Nova music.
Surly commented that I could have purchased the hose barb for $8.00 at Auto Zone but it probably would have been imported and not near as sexy as mine . To be honest, I never even considered asking about that item when I was at the auto parts store picking up the heater hose. There are four auto parts stores within bicycling distance of me, however, it seems every time I go looking for something out of the ordinary the young person working the counter has no idea of what I'm talking about - just like what I ran into trying to buy a rough service light bulb at Menards the other day. The two auto parts places that were run by the old guys who had been in business for years both closed down. Both of those guys were hard to stump. It's not fair to blame the young ones, though. We all had to start somewhere, and they're gainfully employed, so no offense to them.
As for making a part that could be bought for eight bucks, granted, it's not the most productive use of my time. However, for those of you wondering why, besides my not wanting to deal with the parts counter folks, I like doing that type of work. I've collected tools and machinery for years, as well as worked on a variety of jobs and had enough formal education to do most any and everything I need or want to do. Some guys collect stamps, some guys make $8.00 parts. Surly knows all of this. I imagine when he retires and has the luxury to do whatever the hell he feels like doing, he'll be out in the shop tinkering on something, same as I do. If you don't use it, you lose it and all that.
To be fair, I made a similar part once for my bike because I wanted it immediately rather than hunting around for it. Probably could have found it for 8 bucks.
Bassa Nova am radio station and I call-in a request- "hey yeah uhm.. wood'ja mind playing I'd like to dedicate it to all the pretty gils out there klunklunklunk ERRRRRRRRR(ring tone).... he hung up
I asked the young man in the tool section if they had a points file - he took me to a cabinet and pointed to a large metal file with a pointed end. I had to tell him that it wouldn't fit in the distributor.
Marshall: I never thought Elvis was much of a Bossa Nova kind of guy, but when you're the King, I suppose anything goes.
Anon: In his defense, there's probably not much call for one of those anymore unless like me the newest thing you work on is from 1974. I wonder what would have happened if you asked him for a flat bastard?
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