I saw this at The new Cafe (racer) Society.It's a GPV or gravity powered vehicle. If a guy lived someplace with a big hill, this could be fun. I went to the site where the picture originally came from and there was a link to the rule book for these things. We've only got about one hill in the whole county, so the chances of needing rules or these things catching on here are pretty slim but going downhill fast can be a gas - unless you're talking about your health, that is. I remember years ago when I was working for a blacktopping outfit, we were paving a driveway about halfway down this big hill. I looked up and some little buckaroo on a tricycle went whizzing by me with his feet kicked out to the side and a big grin on his face. The street turned a hard ninety at the bottom of the hill, so the little buckaroo just road it out into the weeds. He had to be going at least twenty by the time he hit the weeds, giggling all the way. He managed to get a couple of trips in before his mom figured out what he was up to and drug him home. Even though he knew he was in trouble, he was still smiling when she drug him past me.
I built one of those when we lived on Clark St. Me and Mike used to take them down the big wheel chair ramp at the nursing home.
I forgot all about that. You two guys used to have some fun and had the scabs to prove it.
Hells yeah!!! We must have got those things up to at least 7 m.p.h.(with a good push) Call me girlie, but I'll take a motor and a little wider tire these days. Besides, at my weight, somebody's gonna get hurt. hehe
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