Beautiful weather the last couple of days and the garden is starting to come in. I picked the first of what will be probably hundreds of cucumbers this morning, right after grabbing an egg straight from the chicken's butt - technically, that would be the vent in poultry speak. I should have peppers and tomatoes next week. I got a little bit of a late start on the melons but I can wait them out. The gooseberries are ripe and the red raspberries are about there as well. There used to be a big patch of black raspberries across the railroad tracks from me but the railroad sprayed everything with Agent Orange or something. Pretty well took care of the raspberries as well as any other living thing. There are some blackberries growing wild around here as well. I've been eating a few mulberries off the tree when I mow underneath it. They're OK but just not enough flavor. Of course the birds like them and you know what happens next.
The apples are looking good but the peach trees are pretty much vacant. I don't know what happened there. Usually they're drooping from the weight of all the fruit right about now. But as you can see, the day lilies are blooming. With the temperature about 70 degrees, it couldn't be nicer.
Just read an article that may interest you.
Just finished the book - thanks for the heads-up on the review. Horse Progress Days in Odon Friday and Saturday, by the way.
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