Photo from here:
1954 Giro
I'm thinking Italy
I'm thinking Spring
They just called school for Tuesday and with the weather that's being forecast, I imagine that's it for the week. I started putting the frame for the apple grinder together. Pretty simple - 1x4's for the legs and a frame to support the disposal and the top. There's another frame made from 1x6's for the motor mount. I ordered a coupler to join the motor to the disposal - $12.00 rather than the $27.00 from the farm store. I ordered a couple other things I needed for the shop at the same time which will absorb some of the shipping cost. It should be there tomorrow or Wednesday even if I'm not. Regardless, it'll be there by the time I need it so there will be no delay in the construction process. Remember the mantra: Don't start it unless you can finish it.
I've got a few things I'm working on around the shack and if I'm going to have a few days off, I should be able to get the valve for the steam engine machined up. I also need to shorten the brake stay on the Rickati project. I bought some kerosene the other day. I'll just have to pick a day, light the heater and spend some quality time in the home shop doing some machine work, unless of course the power goes out. They're forecasting some pretty high wind gusts in addition to all the snow. Could be bad.
Stay warm and stay off the roads. Spring will be here just as sure as the swallows return to Capistrano.