Friday, January 24, 2025

Gypsy Jazz With a Side of Fireball


Gypsy Jazz is still alive and well, as it should be. Django Reinhardt is the originator of much of this sound. His unique method of playing was a result of having been severely burned and losing the use of two fingers on his left hand. One of these days I'm going to make a CD of Gypsy Jazz. Either that or buy another MP3 player and record a bunch of it.

My new combination square from Fireball Tools showed up yesterday. It wasn't cheap and I don't know how much use I'll get out of it at this point in my life, but I'm sure the grandson will be able to get a lot of use out of it when I move on to the big fab shop in the sky. The square is 2" wide and offers a lot of room to clamp it down during use. It also is tapped along the edges to fasten small plates to hold parts in alignment. I could have used something like this 100s of times over the years. If you're a young guy, stop spending your money on cigarettes and beer and invest in good tools that will last you a lifetime. This would be a good place to start.

I went to Coach Jen's place Wednesday evening to help out. I worked mitts with the boxers - worked on form, footwork, combinations and speed. No chest pain afterwards, just a little arm weary. I really enjoy my time in the gym - good for both my physical and mental health.  

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