Saturday, January 18, 2025

Mean Woman's Blues


Nice day yesterday - temps up to about 40 and plenty of sunshine. With the subzero temperatures on the way, I filled up the tanks on the car and the truck, picked up a few groceries, put some tools away and hunted up some stock I need for a lathe job in the shop, cut some kindling and hauled in some firewood and checked on the chickens. Nothing too strenuous but it felt good to get out in the sunlight and move around a bit. 

When I got done fartin' around with all that I came in the house and one of Elvis's early movies was on - King Creole. The movie was made in 1958 and Elvis was doin' what Elvis did that made him famous. Looks kind of corny now days but it sure didn't slow down his march to the top.

While I was looking up the Elvis clip Roy Orbison came up. Since he was one of Elvis's contemporaries, I threw him in here as well. Since I'm not going to have any project work to report for a few days, might as well listen to one of the great voices of Rock & Roll.

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