Friday, February 21, 2025

And So it Begins


Don't believe I've ever put any James Brown on here before but I'm ready to get on the good foot and start building "motorsickles". 

Parts for the BSA came yesterday, so that's the start. If Surly jumps in with both feet, that'll be the kick in the ass I need to see regular progress. When I was at the high school he used to come once a week for my open shop night and we got quite a bit of stuff done. Now, between the two of us, we've got the equipment and the know-how to build most anything. And, I'm going back to work, so I'll have a steady stream of money coming in to pay for whatever we need, at least for 8 weeks. That should be plenty unless we opt for new aluminum rims and stainless spokes. If so, not a problem - in for a penny, in for a pound and all that. 

The clip-on bar in the photo got bent at Daytona. If it's the right size for the BSA I can weld on a new tube and get them plated. Surly says he has a pair also - just have to see what the final design calls for and if they'll fit.

Even though it was still cold yesterday, I went out to the shop and drilled a couple of holes in the platen for the new hold-down clamp. I also drilled and tapped a hole for the piece I'm going to make to lace up a wheel and check the run-out on the brake drum. 

Anyway, my chest is feeling good and I'm tired of spending a lot of time in the house due to the cold weather. Time to build things.



if/when/once a bike has stainless spokes installed you know long after we are all UP and dead and in heaven, way way into the future, the bike will still be alive, because if a bike has nce spokes the future owners will continue during all maintenance and repairs to the entire rest of the bike. no matter how bad the rest of the bike if the spoks still look good then the rest of the bike will be brought UP to the condition of those spokes. that's my story and I'm sticking to it as/if there was a long term funded study by some institute that shown such results.

ShopTeacherBob said...

I don't know about all that, but the high-sided aluminum rims and stainless spokes definitely give me a warm and fuzzy.