Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Baby It's Cold Outside!

Colder than a well digger's ass in the Klondike once again. It was 10 degrees when I went to the gym last evening, only 7 on the way home, and down to 0 or a little below during the early morning hours. It's going to be cold the next couple of days as well. I'm staying indoors, other than chores, until it warms up a bit.

I started on the taxes yesterday. That usually causes me much anguish but this year at least some of the waste has been revealed. Now it's been confirmed what I've suspected all along - the feds take our hard earned money and piss it away, not just in the gold ole USA, but all over the world. I suppose after looking at what I make and what they take, I should be even angrier this year than what I usually am at tax time, but I'm hoping that things will improve in the future. It probably won't make much of a difference in my lifetime, after all the country is still 36 trillion in the red. 

Anyway, it's still cold out and I've got more tax work to do. Now that I completed my upgrade on the ham license, I've got a couple of books I want to read. I've got a good start on one already. My book count has been rather weak the last couple of years. Need to work on that.

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