Thursday, April 11, 2024

Clapper Caper


Surly and the grandson have been helping my wife's sister move. She has a bunch of farm/school house bells that belonged to their grandfather. I was there Tuesday to move some junk and I told the grandson about the Jack Webb Copper Clapper story. I went back last evening to help and the wife's sister told the boy about the same story. It's a classic.

Here's two of the heaviest ones. I took the trailer to make transporting them a bit easier. Plus, I had a yard swing to bring back to my house. This is the first time the trailer I built had any load on it and was out on the highway. No problem other than I need to practice backing it up in the mirrors. I've got the tool box in the back of the truck so I have to use the mirrors to see what I'm doing. Seems I always turn the truck wheel the wrong way first. Probably be easier just to take the tool box out. Need to do that anyway if I want to load up my bicycle.

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