Sunday, April 28, 2024

Over the Road

 I went to the Ham class yesterday morning and had to pull off the road on the way over to let a big trailer load go by. It took up both lanes of the state highway. I don't have any idea what it actually was but most of it was covered in sheet metal like it had insulation under it. Along the side that went by me was a pipe manifold of some sort with 6 or 8 ports maybe 10-12 inches in diameter. It had to be super heavy because it was loaded on one of those long trailers that have a bunch of axles under it and there was another semi tractor being used as a pusher with a big chunk of concrete where the 5th wheel plate normally would be to give it traction.

The meeting went well. There were a few more people this week in attendance, most all of whom were retirees. Most any age can get a Ham license, but I'm guessing like a lot of other things, tough to get young people interested. However, as I understand it, Ham radio is doing a lot more digital communication that is handled by computers and the internet which might interest young people. That doesn't exactly appeal to me at the present time but maybe as I find out more about it, I might change my mind.

I did a little welding job for the son of my brother from a different mother when I got home. It was a piece for a baby crib made from a piece of paper-thin tubing with a U-shaped bracket on one end. Didn't take too long to weld it up but it was one of those jobs that required a steady hand. Fortunately, I've still got that but the trouble with my eye is a bit of a handicap. This getting old stuff is getting old.

Since I'm limited in what I'm able to do these days, I decided to do some photography work. I loaded up an exposed roll of film in the can and will mix up some developer in the next couple of days and get it developed. I've got another roll in a camera that I need to shoot a couple more frames yet and then get that one developed as well. After that, pick out a few good shots and make some prints. It's been a while since I've done any darkroom work. Maybe get the 4x5 out and shoot a few shots with it in the near future as well. As long as I'm going to have fresh chemicals, might as well try and get the creative juices flowing. Whole different ball game than just snapping digital photos with my phone.

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