Tuesday, July 23, 2024


 Since the chest has been healing up, I decided it was time to start exercising again. I walked four miles Sunday morning with Coach Jen and then hit the health club. I took it nice and easy doing some "strength" training and then a couple of easy rounds on the heavy bag. During our walk we discussed what would be the best plan for me, since other than the bicycling, I'm starting from scratch. One of the things she suggested was looking into functional exercises. I'd never heard of these before, but from what she told me and what I came up with after an internet search, definitely looks like something I should look into a little more.

Coincidentally, the latest Epoch Times has an article on the importance of muscle mass to longevity and overall health for an old fart like me. As a runner, cyclist and boxing coach, I've kept myself in fairly good shape over the years and I know what works for me. Now though, since I still don't know what my chest is going to allow going forward and the old body ain't what it used to be, I need to get a decent plan of action. Also, at my age what is a decent fitness level? I don't need "show" muscles but I do want to be able to do the regular chores that are required around the old homestead and be able to deal with something unexpected like the tree that came down the other day. And, if I get back into some sort of decent condition, maybe find some event to train for.

I'll keep researching functional exercises and start trying to regain some of my lost muscle. Seems the benefits of having some muscles go way beyond being able to lift heavy things - longevity, diabetes, heart disease, depression and more. So, when you're watching cartoons and eating Fruit Loops on Saturday mornings, you might want to do a few sit-ups and push-ups when the commercials come on. 

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