100 miles |
Barn Shelf |
Shelf Bracket |
I got the shelves taken care of for the new barn yesterday. I had the heavy duty wall brackets but didn't have/couldn't find enough shelf brackets. The store bought pieces are a "U" shaped stamping that are hot-dip galvanized. I made mine out of square tubing. The end that mounts to the wall bracket I cut out on the bandsaw and the wiz wheel, then did a little touch-up with a file. The other end I cut back at a 45 degree angle and drilled a hole so I could screw the shelf board to them. The shelf boards are 2" x 12" that were part of the lifting cradle. I ripped a piece in half and added that to a full width piece so the shelves are 16" wide. I made four brackets that width and I think I'll make two more to fit the 12" width. That'll give me two wide shelves and one narrower one. That should be plenty of shelf space on the lower level. I want to keep the lower level of the barn pretty sparse.
The top fuzzy photo is the speedometer on my road bike. I put a new battery in it and cleaned the bike up just before I had the heart attack. As you can not so clearly see, the odometer reads 101.3 miles. Nothing great here but a significant mental milestone for me. I've been increasing the mileage and the speed a little at a time. In the past my normal cruising speed was about 15 mph. I'm working on about 12 mph now depending on conditions on a 4 mile ride. Nothing earth shattering but I'm making some progress. I want to eventually work my way up to a metric century - 62 miles. It might take me until next year but that's OK. I'll just keep pecking away at it until I get more info from the Doc. and then adjust my workout accordingly.
It cooled off a little yesterday after the little bit of rain came through. Hopefully it'll stay that way for a few days. They said on the Weather Channel the other day that we've had 12 days of 90 degree weather already this year, probably 13 now, and we normally average only about 16. I know my electric bill is going to be a killer this month with the AC and the fans running most of the day. Anyway, if it stays a little cooler, I can get a few more things done. It feels good to be making some things again.
Kudos on your restraint and following doctor's orders. Let me know if you want to hit the trail in Judson sometime. It's nicely paved with lots of trees for windbreaks.
My nephews are giving me the business about breaking my one day biking record of 80.0 miles. They said they are going to break their records (15 miles and 5 miles) so I should have to break mine too. I'm not to sure about that. That's one reason why I prefer a hybrid to a road bike . . . less miles for the same workout. I base my rides more on time than miles
It's a pain in the ass sometimes but I'll do as I'm told. It's pretty easy for me comply with the exercise. It's the stress and diet I'm having trouble with. Everything pisses me off and I don't know who to trust on diet recommendations.
When I get my mileage up a little more I'll give you call and we'll do Judson. No point driving all that way for just a couple of miles.
If you want to break your distance record, lots of century rides out there: http://brinin.org/ Supported rides are nice for long distances.
I should have mentioned, just last week, Beav was going to do a ride in Lafayette. And, since he had to take his bike down, he figured he might as well ride it down to Lafayette. So, he rode 70 some miles just to get to the ride. I love to bike but that's a lot of riding. Whenever you decide to retire, you might enjoy the Crank Club that he belongs to. Lots of good folks (mostly older from what I've seen) trying to stay healthy.
I agree with you about the diet. Seems there's a lot of conflicting information out there. I got my cholesterol checked a while back and they said they really like to see a value of 60 for the good cholesterol for women. I was 100. Thank goodness! It drives up my total cholesterol number but they said they're more concerned about the ratio of good to bad.
I'm nursing a chronically strained MCL (knee ligament) right now. It was just hurting after sitting Indian style, which for some reason, is how I always sit when I eat. Now it hurts all the time. Doc has me icing it and trying to avoid sleeping with my legs in funny positions (much more challenging than it sounds). If it's not feeling significantly better in 2 more weeks, I'm off to physical therapy. The good thing is that it's only affected by lateral movements so I can bike all I want.
Speaking of biking . . . time to head out on the bike to the nephew's last Little League game.
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