Storage bins - need to pick up a few more while they're on sale |
TIG filler rod containers. Left over pipe with some new caps. Four bucks each. |
Lights in the sandblaster cabinet. If I ever get the rest of the cleaning done, I'll be ready to blast. |
It's been awhile since I've posted any photos of projects - not like I haven't been doing anything, just that the broom and shovel work's not too photogenic. However, in my never ending quest to clean up my junk, I bought a few storage bins and made up a strap hanger for them. I made some storage containers for my TIG/gas welding filler rod and I finished the lights on the sandblaster. Next up a few more storage bins, a few more filler rod containers, and finish the vacuum bucket that goes with the sandblaster dust control system. Oh yeah, and a rack for the welding bench to hold the filler rod containers. Nothing tricky here, just one more thing that needs to get done that will make doing the things I want to do a lot easier/fun.
I'm going to take a look at the snowblower today. The weatherman's calling for some nasty weather heading our way. We're already getting some rain with big wind gusts. If it changes to snow like they're predicting, we could be in for some excitement. Freezing rain and big wind means power outages when you live in the country. After it turns to snow, you're talking drifts and road closures. I've got plenty of water for drinking and toilet flushing, the pantry's full, flashlights have fresh batteries, plenty of wood for the fireplace, and my recliner's fixed. Let it snow!
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